The Rose City Paranormal Conference
There were speakers and paranormal groups that had tables set up with the items that they used for paranormal investigating, pictures, etc. Of course I had to sit with my bestie which is Regan with A.P.A.R.T. Love you Regan!
The subject that the speakers were talking about I pretty much agreed on. But, there was 1 thing that I did not agree on a 100%. Yes, children are like a sponge. They absorb everything and some of them do shut down as they get older. But,not all children shut down as they get older.
There were 6 of us. When we arrived Friday we unloaded the vehicles and relaxed and talked. We were up till 1 am. After we all had gone to bed there were 3 of us that had a experience shortly after. We had a visitor that night that the 3 of us seen. Although I saw it better than the other 2. What happened was that before we went to bed I was picking on one of the guys from the group about falling out of the bunk or him falling when he tried to go the bath in the middle of the night and his leg getting stuck. LOL it was funny at the time. It is just something that you had to be there to get the whole thing.
I am going to tell you what us 3 had seen. Stephen saw a man by his bunk and Stephen was shooing him away from his bunk. I heard a lite thump like a foot hitting the floor of the ladder to the bunk bed. That is when I was woken up by the noise. I then saw a man that was solid, a blue shirt, with blues jeans, with a back light, short clean cut hair that was blondish in color, and slender built, I had asked “are you OK? “ Thinking that it was Stephen. Because I was half asleep at the time. The man shook his head and had said yes and started for the bedroom door. There was a back light also. I had awaken James when I had spoke. Then James also saw a man ( not as well as I did) with a back light too. It had bothered me pretty much the nest day.(Saturday) His facial expression is what I had been thinking about all of that day. It seemed like he was trying to tell someone something but was unable. His look that he had on his face was a expression of disappointment or confusion.. Although 3 of us seen had him. It seemed like he was only trying to get 1 persons attention but ended up getting 3 total.
James and I were talking about it last night (Monday) we agreed that it looked like what people call THE LIGHT . The reason why we say this is because everyone was sleeping and there were no lights on. It was so bright that at first we thought that it was coming from the living room. The man was solid and standing in light that radiated behind him. James, thought that it was Barry or that someone was up and the light was on. That was not the case.
James and I came up with this. There were 5 people who were there that are either a sensitive or physic. Could it have been that we were putting out enough energy that we were not aware of that gave him the strength to come out of the light just for a few seconds to minutes? Could it be that it was someone that Stephen knows that had passed on? The reason why I say this is that he was trying to get Stephens attention more than anyones it seemed like. Considering the full body apparition was at his bunk. Although he was seen by all three of us. Why were we chosen to be able see him? That is a question that we will probably never know. I was not afraid. But, if it was really what we call THE LIGHT it was very bright, and peaceful.
Then Saturday night, we went to the cabin where AGHOST was staying at. We had a blast. AGHOST are cool to hang with. Everyone was drinking that evening. Along with the little that I brought. Everyone was doing Jello shots, drinking beer, malt liquor, etc. There was a hot tub so guess what? James and I joined in on the hot tub. It was cold but as long as you stayed in the water it was nice. It was out side where you could look up at the sky. But, unfortunately the sky was cloudy. No stars. Shucks.
That is the night Mr Vinnie got a new nickname. All hail Jello Shot King!
We are definatley going back when we have more time and money. You really have to check this place out.
I am now going to talk a little about Mt. Hood. Mt. Hood is the highest peak in Oregon. It is also the fourth highest peak in the Cascade Range. As I used to go there every weekend.
Mt. Hood is a volcano that had erupted 4 major times with in 15,000 years. The last 3 occurred in the last 1,800 years. Then last time that it erupted was between 170-220 years ago. The 19th century eruptions that occurred in 1859,1865 and 1903. this happened just before Lewis and Clark's arrival.
There is talk that if and when the mountain will blow again will severely affect the areas that are on the mountains flanks and far down stream in the major river valleys. The ash may fall several hundred kilometers down wind.
There are also several glaciers that are there also. A few of them are Zigzag Glacier, Palmer Glacier, Sandy Glacier, Glisan Glaser and many more.
There are so many things to see around the Mt. Hood Area. Here are a few. Government Camp, Lost lake, Mt. Hood Lodge, Multnomah Falls, Mt Hood Timber Line Lodge and many more. The scenery is just beautiful. There are things that a person can do year round. So, pack up the family and or make a date with you're other half and halve a nice getaway.
These are pictures of the different areas at Mt Hood. My favorite place to camp is Lost Lake. It is so beautiful and isolated. This is also where I saw my first UFOs. They have camp sites cabins, lodge rooms, fishing, hiking, and most of the nature. There are very few camp sites that are still woodsy natured.
The native Indians called (Hood River Indians )called this place E-e-kwhal-a-mat-yam-lshkt. The meaning is “Heart of The Mountains”.
Lost Lake is located ten miles northwest of Mt. Hood and about a mile east of the crest of the Cascade Mountain Range. Total surface acres are 290 and the perimeter measures about 3.4 miles. The lake is 5395 feet in length and 4150 feet wide at its greatest point and 167 feet deep. The lake contains brook, rainbow and brown trout. Douglas fir, Mountain Hemlock, Cedar and some White Pine constitute the principal cover, with Alder and Huckleberry forming the underbrush. Otters are found in the lake as well as beavers. Blacktail deer, squirrels and chipmunks are found throughout the area with black bear, cougar and bobcat in the surrounding hills.
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