Posted by My Stories at 7:22 PM

22 June, 2008

It started out as a normal excursion/get to gether with a paranormal group. As we walked through the cemetery we can to a one that made the camera act up. There was another person there that had that same thing happen.

I was saying that It was sad that those people were treated like that. It wasn't bad enough that they were treated insanely at the hospital but yet they were burried like animals. There is something like over 200 people that are burried all on top of each other. They could of had the decence to at least put their names when they were burried. But instead they were just a number.

I hope that when the day comes for me. I do not want to be labled as a number and not who I was. But anyways I got off the subject just a little. It just makes me furious that a human was treated like that.

Well after we had got home it seemed normal. Well a few days after that I was attaked along with a dog that I had at the time. I was wakened by me screeaming as I was being held down. At the same time I noticed that the kennal that had my small dog in it was being shaked while it was up off the floor. James, could not wake up. He had the feeling like what was happening to me was nothin. Was the entity making him feel that was so he could not help me or was it something else?

I was not going to sleep in that bedroom anymore. I would walk in there during the day and sometimes get a uneasy feeling. I was in the closet afteer that happened and I thought that James was talking to me. I did hear everything that was said, so I asked him what he had said he said " I didn't say anything". I thought ok here we go again.

A few night after that we were all in the living room. My dog was playing like normal. Then all of a sudden he ran into the bedroom and went straight for his kennal. Needless to say he was hard to get in there at night. It took my step daughter and I ove a hour and a half to get him out. Even with human food that did not work.

It had caused conflict with James and I. I learned that is when they get the energy that they need. It is like it was feeding off the nagative energy that James and I were causing.

I then called a friend and she gave me some great advise. I did what she told me to do and it seemed to stop. Although we caught a few orbs after that along with some EVP's. It stopped.

She had called and I had thanked her for the advise that she had given to me.