Posted by My Stories at 11:27 AM

23 June, 2008

Apparition-an image with distinct features that enables one to recognize it as a person or specific object.spiritualistic manifestation of a person or object in which a form not actually present is seen with such intensity that belief in its reality is created. The ancient and widespread belief in apparitions and ghosts (specters of dead persons) is based on the idea that the spirit of a man, or of any object, is endowed with volition and motion of its own. Apparitions, especially particular shapes attached to certain legends or superstitions, are often considered as premonitions or warnings. They may appear in any form and may manifest themselves to any or all the senses. The most evil apparitions are said to be those of persons who have died violent or unnatural deaths, those with guilty secrets, and those who were improperly buried. However, not all apparitions are believed to be dangerous; many, especially those associated with a particular religion, are thought to be signs of divine intervention.

Ectoplasm-a physical substance that supposedly manifests as a result of "spiritual energy" or "psychic phenomenon. An immaterial or ethereal substance, especially the transparent corporeal presence of a spirit or ghost.

Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP)-recording on audiotape, videotape, film, or digital recorder for which there is no physical source.
Orb-Energy anomalies that are recorded on film, digital cameras, infrared monitors, and videotape.a term applied by believers in the paranormal for a light artifact, or dust particle perceived by a CCD digital camera lens, yet not capturable by any other device nor visible by the naked eye.

Reciprocal Apparition- A rare type of sighting where the spirit and the witness see each other and react to one another.
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